Food Truck Logo and Graphics

This project was created during my Identity Design course in which we were given the opportunity to create an original company and its branding for a food truck. The purpose of this assignment was to provide us with the experience necessary for creating an original name and brand through logos and graphics that remain consistent with the visual identity we create. The food truck I created for this project sells frozen desserts and is called Gyooshia, which is the phonetic spelling of the base term “-geusia” meaning sense of taste. The visuals of the truck feature a polka-dot pattern to reflect the visual appearance of taste buds, with a pastel color palette that elicits the sweet tooth in anyone that passes by.

Logo and Graphics

Who: Gyooshia Food Truck

When: 2020

How: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Procreate

Full Logo:

Logo Mark:

Logo Type:

Tastebud-Inspired Polka Dot Pattern:

Digital Truck Graphics:

Serving Side

Street-View Side



Mock - Ups:

Serving-Side View of Food Truck

Street-Side View of Food Truck

Three Sundae Flavor Options

To-Go Soda Cup

Ice Cream with Sugar Cone

Ice Cream with Cake Cone